Complete Fatima Timeline

The Complete Fatima Timeline


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The three shepherd children of Fatima — Lucia dos Santos and her two cousins, Francisco and Jacinta Marto — were visited three times by the Angel of Peace.

-May 13: Our Lady appears to the three children at the Cova da Iria and asks that they return for five more months in succession, on the 13 th day, at the same hour.
-June 13: Our Lady tells the children that God wants to establish in the world devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. About 50 people come to the Cova da Iria to witness the apparition.
-July 13: Our Lady shows the children a vision of hell and tells them that She will come
back at a later date to ask for the consecration of Russia to Her Immaculate Heart and the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays. She tells the children the Secret (in three parts) and promises to prove Her appearances with a miracle on October13, 1917. About 5,000 people come to the Cova on July 13.
-August 13: The children are kidnapped by the Mayor of Ourém and miss their appointed meeting with Our Lady. About 15,000 people come to the Cova and many witness supernatural phenomena indicating that Our Lady came nonetheless.
-August 19: Our Lady visits the children in nearby Valinhos and again prophesizes the working of a miracle in October while telling the children to pray and make sacrifices for sinners.
-September 13: Our Lady tells the children that in October, Our Lord will come, as well as Our Lady of Sorrows and Our Lady of Carmel. Also, Saint Joseph will appear with the Child Jesus in order to bless the world. About 30,000 people come to the Cova and again, many witness supernatural phenomena indicating Our Lady’s presence.
-October 13: Our Lady announces: “People must amend their lives and ask pardon for their sins. They must not offend Our Lord any more for He is already too much offended.” She tells us to continue to pray the Rosary every day. Then the 70,000 people present witness the Miracle of the Sun at the Cova da Iria.

December 10: Our Lady appears to Sister Lucy at Pontevedra in Spain to relate the specific requirements for the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays.

June 13: In fulfillment of Her promise at Fatima on July 13, 1917, Our Lady of Fatima appears to Sister Lucy at Tuy, Spain in the visible presence of the Most Holy Trinity and asks for the consecration of Russia to Her Immaculate Heart.
August: Jesus says to Sister Lucy: “Make it known to My ministers, given that they follow the example of the King of France in delaying the execution of My command, they will follow him into misfortune.” Our Lord gives to Sister Lucy in Rianjo, Spain this warning addressed to the Pope and bishops.

March 19: Pope Pius XI promulgates his encyclical against atheistic Communism. He first explains that he has already condemned Communism in 1924, 1928, 1931, 1932 (twice) and 1933. But it is his solemn duty once more to raise his voice and remind the faithful yet again against the dangers of Communism. Among many other things, the Pope solemnly says: “Communism is intrinsically evil, and no one who would save Christian civilization may collaborate with it in any undertaking whatsoever.”

-Sister Lucy reveals the first two parts of the Secret in her Memoirs, first on August 31 st in
her Third Memoir and then again on December 8 in her Fourth Memoir. (see

October 31 and December 8: Pope Pius XII, acting alone, consecrates the world, but not Russia, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Our Lord tells Sister Lucy that as a result World War II will be shortened but that world peace will not result from this

October: After one month of prayer and reflection, the Bishop of Fatima, His Excellency José da Silva, gives Sister Lucy a formal, written order to write down the Third Secret. Sister Lucy tries to obey immediately, but for over two months is mysteriously unable to commit the Third Secret to paper.

-January 2: Our Lady appears to Sister Lucy and bids her to write down the Third Secret. Our Lady asks it to be revealed to the world not later than 1960. When later asked why the people had to wait for the Third Secret to be revealed in 1960, Sister Lucy states: “Because the Blessed Virgin wishes it so,” and “It [the Third Secret] will be clearer then.”
-January 9: Sister Lucy commits both texts of the Third Secret to paper by this date.
-June 17: The Third Secret is given by Sister Lucy herself to her confessor, Bishop da Silva, since she would not let anyone but a bishop bring it to the Bishop of Fatima. Sister Lucy’s confessor bishop delivers the Third Secret to the Bishop of Fatima on this same day.

January 3: A photograph of Bishop da Silva posing in front of the 25-line text of the Third Secret, which is enclosed in the bishop’s own outer envelope, appears in Life magazine. See image

-May: Our Lady appears to Sister Lucy saying: “Make it known to the Holy Father that I am always awaiting the Consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart. Without that Consecration, Russia will not be able to convert. Without that Consecration, the world cannot have peace.”

July 7
Pope Pius XII consecrates Russia specifically, but he does not ask for the bishops
to join him and thus he is not joined by the Catholic bishops of the world.
-September 2: Austrian Jesuit Father Joseph Schweigl is sent by Pope Pius XII to Coimbra, Portugal to interrogate Sister Lucy about the Third Secret. Father Schweigl later confides to one of his colleagues: “I cannot reveal anything of what I learned at
Fatima concerning the Third Secret, but I can say that it has two parts: one concerns the Pope. The other, logically — although I must say nothing — would have to be the continuation of the words: In Portugal the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved”.

-March: Bishop John Venancio holds up to a strong light the outer envelope of Bishop da Silva (photographed for Life magazine in 1949) containing an inner envelope of Sister Lucy, inside of which he sees the paper upon which is written the Third Secret. He
carefully notes that the Secret is about 25 lines long and is written on a single sheet of paper with 3/4 centimeter margins on both sides.
-April 16: The 25-line text of the Third Secret, sealed with wax in the original envelope and the Bishop of Fatima’s outer envelope, is received in the Vatican. The text is placed in a safe in the papal apartments (not in the Holy Office).
-December 26: Father Fuentes, Postulator of the Cause for Beatification of Jacinta and Francisco Marto, interviews Sister Lucy. In an allusion to the contents of the Third Secret, she tells him of many nations disappearing from the face of the earth, she speaks
about the crisis in the priesthood, and of many souls going to hell as a result of ignoring Our Lady’s Fatima Message.

-Father Fuentes publishes the interview with Sister Lucy with the Imprimatur of the Bishop of Fatima. It is read widely and no one questions its authenticity.
-October: The well-known magazine Paris-Match publishes a photo of the wooden safe in Pope Pius XII’s apartment in which was kept the Third Secret of Fatima.

-July 2: Father Fuentes’ interview with Sister Lucy is suddenly denounced as fraudulent in an anonymous report from the bishop’s chancery office in Coimbra, Portugal. To this day, more than fifty years later, no official will take responsibility for this report.

-August 17: Pope John XXIII reads the 25-line text of the Third Secret which was taken from the papal apartment and then has his personal secretary, Msgr. Loris Capovilla, write on the envelope: “I leave it to others to comment or decide.”

-February 8: As the world anxiously awaits the full revelation of the Third Secret, an unnamed person, who is close to the Pope, authorizes the Press to quote him anonymously that the Third Secret will not be revealed in 1960 and “would probably remain, forever, under absolute seal.”
-Sister Lucy is officially forbidden to speak about the Third Secret and not allowed to
receive any visitors except close relatives and people she has known for a long time. Her own confessor of many years returns from Brazil and is not allowed to see her.
-Pope John XXIII reads the 62-line text of the Third Secret, contained in another sealed envelope. Unlike the first text, which he opened in 1959 but could not read without the
aid of a translator because of its difficult Portuguese dialect, this text posed no difficulty for the Pope and he was able to comprehend it completely on his own reading.

October: Just prior to Vatican Council II, the Vatican Secretariat of State agrees with Moscow that the Council will not condemn Soviet Russia or communism, in exchange for which two Russian Orthodox observers would attend the Council. This agreement
launches the policy of Ostpolitik. This Vatican-Moscow Agreement, which is not allowed by traditional Catholic moral theology (see entry for 1937), nevertheless is followed and thus the Vatican Secretariat of State silences those bishops and priests in the Church who are anti-Communist at the Second Vatican Council and afterward.

June 27: Less than a week after becoming pope, Paul VI reads the text of the Third Secret kept in the papal apartment after the Substitute Secretary of State telephones Msgr. Capovilla, personal secretary to Pope John XXIII, to inquire as to where to find it.
Capovilla testifies to this fact in his certified note of May 17, 1967. It is this text — the one which contains Our Lady’s words — that is later identified by Cardinal Ottaviani as being 25-lines long.

November 21: At the last day of the third session of the Second Vatican Council, Pope Paul VI consecrates the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary with no mention of Russia, and the bishops look on but do not join in.

March 27: Pope Paul VI reads the other text of the Third Secret — the one that is 62-lines long. Cardinal Bertone claims that Paul VI read the Third Secret for the first time on this date. However, Archbishop Capovilla testified in his certified note of May 1967 that Paul VI read the Third Secret for the first time on June 27, 1963.

The Bishop of Fatima commissions a learned Claretian priest, Father Joaquin Alonso, to establish a complete critical history of the revelations of Fatima. Ten years later, Father Alonso will complete his work, entitled Fatima Texts and Critical Studies.

-Sister Lucy’s memoirs are published, in which she reveals Our Lady’s 1929 request for the Consecration of Russia.
-May 13: Sister Lucy meets Pope Paul VI in Fatima and asks him to release the Third Secret, but he refuses.

-After 10 years of studying the Fatima archives, Father Alonso declares, in public, that Father Fuentes’ published 1957 interview of Sister Lucy was a true and accurate report of her statements concerning the content of the Message of Fatima.
-Father Alonso’s 24 volumes of 800 pages each are ready for publication. This monumental work on the Message of Fatima includes at least 5,396 documents. The presses are literally stopped by the new Bishop of Fatima, Monsignor do Amaral,
preventing Father Alonso’s ten years of research from reaching the public. At least 20 of these 24 volumes are still under lock and key to this day.

October 16: Pope John Paul II is elected Pope and reads a text of the Third Secret — the 25-line text that is kept in the papal apartment — within days of his election, according to a statement to Associated Press in May 2000 by his spokesman, Joaquin Navarro-Valls. The statement by Navarro-Valls is contradicted by Msgr. Bertone when he claimed in June 2000 that the Pope first read the Third Secret on July 18, 1981.

-May 13: Pope John Paul II is shot and seriously wounded by an assassin.
-June 7: The Pope consecrates the world, but not Russia, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
July 18: According to Cardinal Bertone, Pope John Paul II reads the Third Secret for the first time. The text he reads is the 62-line text that is kept in the Holy Office archives.

-March 21: Sister Lucy informs the Papal Nuncio of the requirements for a valid Consecration of Russia according to the request of Our Lady of Fatima. Sister Lucy’s full message is not transmitted to the Pope by the Nuncio. Following the suggestion of
Bishop Amaral of Fatima, the Nuncio fails to mention the requirement that the world’s bishops participate in the Consecration.
-May 12: L’Osservatore Romano publishes an article by Father Umberto Maria Pasquale, S.D.B. (a well-known Salesian priest who has known Sister Lucy since 1939 and had received over 150 letters from her) reveals that Sister Lucy clearly and emphatically told him that Our Lady of Fatima never asked for the consecration of the world but only the consecration of Russia. Father Pasquale also publishes a photographically-reproduced copy of a handwritten note by Sister Lucy attesting to their conversation on this point.
May 13: Pope John Paul II consecrates the world, but not Russia, at Fatima. The bishops of the world do not participate.

March 19: Sister Lucy meets with the Papal Nuncio and confirms that the Consecration of Russia was not done because Russia was not clearly the object of the consecration and the Catholic bishops of the world did not join in.

-March 25: Pope John Paul II, before 250,000 people in Rome, consecrates the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Immediately after he pronounced the words of consecration, he departs from his prepared text and prays “Enlighten especially the peoples of which You Yourself are awaiting our consecration and confiding.” The Pope thus publicly acknowledges that Our Lady of Fatima is still awaiting the Consecration of Russia.
-March 26: The Pope’s own newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, reports the exact words spoken by the Holy Father on the 25 th .
-March 27: The Italian Catholic bishops’ newspaper Avvenire reports that the Holy Father, on March 25 at 4:00 in the afternoon, three hours after he consecrated the world, prays at St. Peter’s, asking Our Lady to bless “those peoples for whom You Yourself are awaiting our act of consecration and entrusting,” and thus again the Pope acknowledges that he did not fulfill Our Lady’s request for the Consecration of Russia. The same remarks were reported in L’Osservatore Romano on March 26-27, on page 6 (Italian edition).
-September 10: Bishop Alberto Cosme do Amaral, the Bishop of Fatima, declares during a question and answer session in the aula magna of the Technical University of Vienna,
Austria: “Its [the Third Secret’s] content concerns only our faith. To identify the Secret with catastrophic announcements or with a nuclear holocaust is to deform the meaning of the message. The loss of faith of a continent is worse than the annihilation of a nation; and it is true that faith is continually diminishing in Europe”.
November 11: Jesus magazine publishes an interview with Cardinal Ratzinger. The interview is entitled “Here is Why the Faith is in Crisis,” and is published with the Cardinal’s explicit permission. Cardinal Ratzinger reveals that he has read the Third
Secret and that the Secret refers to “dangers threatening the faith and the life of the Christian and therefore (the life) of the world.” Cardinal Ratzinger says in the same interview that the Secret also refers to “the importance of the Novissimi [the Last
Times]”, “the absolute importance of history”, and that “the things contained in this ‘Third Secret’ correspond to what has been announced in Scripture and has been said again and again in many other Marian apparitions, first of all that of Fatima …”

September: In an interview in Sol de Fatima magazine, Sister Lucy affirms that the Consecration of Russia still has not been done because Russia was not the clear object of the 1984 consecration and the world’s episcopate did not participate.

-July 20: Interviewed quickly outside her convent while voting, Sister Lucy confirms to journalist Enrico Romero that the Consecration of Russia has not been done.

-July: Father Messias Coelho reveals that Sister Lucy and others have received an
anonymous “instruction” from unidentified persons in the Vatican stating that she (and they) must now say that the Consecration of Russia was accomplished on March 25, 1984.
-August through November: Five computer-generated and typewritten notes and letters supposedly signed by Sister Lucy suddenly appear, contradicting her previous statements that the Consecration of Russia has not been done. These texts are quickly proven to be fakes and this fact is published worldwide.

October 11: Sister Lucy’s blood-sister, Carolina, reveals that Sister Lucy does not know how to type.

May 13: Pope John Paul II visits Fatima and meets with Sister Lucy for thirty minutes. After the meeting, neither the Pope nor Sister Lucy make any announcement concerning the Consecration of Russia.

October: The Fatima Center holds its Bishops Conference in Fatima and 65 bishops attend. The Rector of the Fatima Shrine, Msgr. Guerra, holds his own conference and there Frère Francois denounces the five fake letters produced in 1989 and accuses in
public, before many witnesses, to their faces — namely Father Fox, Father Kondor, and Msgr. Guerra — that they are the authors of these fake, forged letters attributed to Sister Lucy. Not one of them denies his accusation.

In a personal communication to Professor Baumgartner in Salzburg, Austria, Cardinal Mario Luigi Ciappi — the personal  theologian of John Paul II (and of the four popes before him) — reveals that: “In the Third Secret it is foretold, among other things, that the great apostasy in the Church will begin at the top.”

Howard Dee, former Philippine ambassador to the Vatican, said in an interview with Inside the Vatican magazine that “Bishop Ito [the local bishop of Akita, now deceased] was certain Akita was an extension of Fatima, and Cardinal Ratzinger personally
confirmed to me that these two messages, of Fatima and Akita, are essentially the same.” At Akita on October 13, 1973, Our Lady said there would be a worldwide chastisement for sins in which a great part of humanity would be killed and that those
who survive would envy the dead.

-May 13: At the beatification ceremony of Jacinta and Francisco Marto at Fatima, the Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Sodano, announces that the Third Secret of Fatima will be revealed.
-June 26: At a press conference, Archbishop Bertone publishes the 62-line text which he claims is the entire Third Secret and claims it refers to the 1981 assassination attempt of John Paul II. The 62-line text describes a vision in which the Pope (a “Bishop dressed in White”) is killed by a band of soldiers. This text, containing none of the elements described by Cardinal Ratzinger in his 1984 interview in Jesus magazine, is obviously incomplete. Also, Cardinal Bertone claims the Consecration of Russia is done and, as proof, offers a quote from one of the five fake letters of 1989.
-October 8: Pope John Paul II consecrates the world, but not Russia, in an “entrustment” ceremony.
-November 30: A Cardinal described as “one of the Pope’s closest advisors” (Cardinal Tomko) admits to a Vatican magazine  editor that he advised Pope John Paul II to not make mention of Russia in any consecration ceremony because it would offend the
Russian Orthodox.

-May 16: Reflecting the growing skepticism of millions of Catholics, Mother Angelica states on her live television show on this date that she does not believe the Vatican has revealed the entirety of the Third Secret. “Mother Angelica Live” as a live program is taken off the air forever by December.
-October 25: Cardinal Ratzinger admits to a “destabilizing [of] the internal equilibrium of the Roman Curia” due to reports (following the September 11 th terrorist attack on New York and the invasion of Afghanistan) of a recent letter from Sister Lucy to the Pope concerning the Third Secret and dangers to the world and the person of the Pope.
-November 17: Archbishop Bertone (later to become Cardinal Bertone, Vatican Secretary of State) travels from Rome to Coimbra to interview Sister Lucy about the Third Secret and claims the interview went on for two hours, but the communiqué later published by Bertone contains only 44 words alleged to be from the mouth of Sister Lucy concerning the matters of the Third Secret and the Consecration of Russia controversies.
-December 20: L’Osservatore Romano publishes the secret “interview” of Sister Lucy, conducted by Archbishop Bertone on November 17, 2001 at the convent in Coimbra. According to Bertone, Sister Lucy said that the consecration of the world in 1984 has been “accepted by heaven”, but yet never even asks Sister Lucy if she wrote and signed the contested fake letters that Bertone relies upon to tell us that Sister Lucy said it was done. No transcript or other independent record of the “interview” is provided.

February 13: Sister Lucy of Fatima dies less than two months short of her 98th birthday.

November 22: Renowned Italian Catholic commentator and journalist Antonio Socci publishes his book, The Fourth Secret of Fatima, which accuses Cardinal Bertone of covering up the complete Third Secret. The book cites the testimony of Archbishop Loris F. Capovilla in July 2006, to Catholic researcher Solideo Paolini, that there are two different texts and two different envelopes pertaining to the Third Secret, that one of the envelopes and its contents — the “Capovilla envelope” — was kept in the papal apartment, not in the archives of the former Holy Office where the text of the vision was lodged, and that Paul VI read its contents on June 27, 1963, two years before the Bertone “official account”, which claims that Pope Paul VI first read the text of the Third Secret on March 27, 1965. The “Capovilla envelope” and text have never been produced.

May 10: Attempting to discredit Socci, Cardinal Bertone publishes his own book, The Last Visionary of Fatima, written in the form of an interview by a Vatican affairs reporter, Giuseppe De Carli, who poses no challenging questions but rather de facto
avoids all of the issues, including Msgr. Capovilla’s explosive testimony. In response, on May 12 Socci proclaims and explains publicly (in his weekly column in the Italian journal Libero) that his own book has been vindicated by the Cardinal’s complete failure to answer it, which Socci calls a disturbing development as it means that there is indeed an ongoing cover-up on the part of the Vatican regarding the Third Secret.
May 31: Cardinal Bertone appears by remote live feed on the very popular Italian TV talk show Porta a Porta to again respond to Socci’s book. During this telecast Bertone displays not only the text of the vision but also two separate sealed envelopes prepared by Sister Lucy, each bearing the explicit statement in Sister Lucy’s own handwriting that “By express order of Our Lady, this envelope can be opened in 1960 only by the Cardinal Patriarch of Lisbon or the Bishop of Leiria.” The two sealed envelopes, and other revelations by Cardinal Bertone during the telecast, further confirm the existence of two texts comprising the Third Secret in its entirety. Further, the “express order of Our Lady” noted on the envelopes flatly contradicts Cardinal Bertone’s earlier repeated representations (only said after Sr. Lucy’s death in 2005) that Sister Lucy “confessed” to him in private, unrecorded conversations
that the Virgin has never given any such order.
-June 2: Following the telecast, from which Socci has been excluded, Socci publishes his
response in Libero. He declares that Bertone has not only failed to “give even one answer” to Socci’s book, but “On the contrary, he did more: He offered the proof that I am right” and “that as a matter of fact the explosive part of the ‘Third Secret of Fatima’ exists yet is well hidden….”
-September 21: Bertone stages a second television appearance for himself, this time on the Telepace network, to officially launch his own book which had been published in May and also to try yet again to discredit Socci’s book for a third time. The press are
invited to attend. Socci, as a journalist, appears at the telecast location to question Cardinal Bertone. He acts in a proper way but is forcibly removed from the premises by security guards. During the telecast Bertone once again avoids any discussion of the
issues. Instead, he presents a heavily-edited videotape of an interview of Archbishop Capovilla conducted by Giuseppe De Carli, a partisan of Cardinal Bertone, in which the Archbishop not only fails to deny the testimony he gave to Paolini (whose name is never mentioned) about the “Capovilla envelope,” but rather fully confirms its existence and location in the papal apartment, and the reading of its contents by Paul VI in 1963, not 1965 as the Bertone “official account” had claimed.
-September 22: The Italian newspaper Il Giornale reports that before the guards removed Socci from the location of the telecast of September 21, he was able to play for the assembled journalists an audiotape of Capovilla’s statements to Paolini during a meeting
on June 21, 2007. On the tape Capovilla is heard to state: “Besides the four pages [of the vision of the bishop dressed in white] there was also something else, an attachment, yes.” As the reporter from Il Giornale concludes, Capovilla’s statement “would confirm the thesis of the existence of a second sheet with the interpretation of the Secret” — namely, the words of the Virgin following the “etc.”
-September 23: Socci again responds to Cardinal Bertone in his column in Libero. Socci again calmly demonstrates that Cardinal Bertone is hiding a major part of the Third Secret

January 25: Christopher A. Ferrara’s book, The Secret Still Hidden, goes to press; 100,000 copies are printed. In this book, the author gives the history of the Third Secret up to that time. He proves beyond any reasonable doubt that there is a second text, still hidden by the Vatican bureaucrats, which contains the words of Our Lady which follow “In Portugal the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved etc.” He demonstrates his proof using the facts and details provided by both Socci and Bertone. The Italian version of his book is sent to 12,000 Italian priests in June 2008. Cardinal Bertone is sent a copy of Ferrara’s book by August 2008 and Bertone acknowledges receipt of the book but refuses to answer the substance of any of Ferrara’s arguments.

-May 4: Vatican journalist Giuseppe De Carli, co-author with Cardinal Bertone of The Last Visionary of Fatima (re-issued in 2010 under the new title, The Last Secret of Fatima), and an apologist for Cardinal Bertone’s now discredited explanations of the Third Secret, admits to the Fatima Challenge Conference before the TV cameras that “…they could have tricked me.” – May 11: Pope Benedict XVI, on his pilgrimage to Portugal in May, stunned the press and the Catholic world by saying that the Third Secret of Fatima tells us that “not only from the outside come the attacks against the Pope and the Church, but the sufferings of the Church come from right inside the Church, from the sin that resides inside the Church… we see this today really in a terrifying way: the greatest persecution against the Church doesn’t come from its enemies outside, but starts from the sins within the Church.”
-May 13: Before 500,000 pilgrims, the Pope proclaimed (in reference to the Third Secret): “Whoever thinks that the prophetic mission of Fatima is concluded deceives himself.”
-July 13: Giuseppe De Carli dies on the 93 rd anniversary of the imparting of the Third Secret by Our Lady of Fatima to the three shepherd children.

-May 11: Christopher Ferrara publishes the updated 2 nd edition of the Italian version of The Secret Still Hidden. Using De Carli’s statement from the year before and referring to the 2 nd edition of Bertone’s book, he further proves that Bertone is still hiding a major part of the Third Secret.
-July – August: Christopher Ferrara’s book, The Secret Still Hidden, receives an endorsement in the August-September issue of the prestigious Inside the Vatican magazine. There the editor Robert Moynihan relates a recent conversation with the late Archbishop Pietro Sambi, who died in July. Archbishop Sambi was Papal Nuncio to the United States and thus a key attaché of  the Vatican Secretariat of State under Cardinal Bertone. The report of Moynihan, in part, goes as follows:

“We [Sambi and Moynihan] were discussing the Third Secret of
Fatima, the allegations that the Vatican has not published the entire text of
the Third Secret as revealed to Sister Lucia, and the response of Cardinal
Tarcisio Bertone, the Vatican Secretary of State, in a book where Bertone
states that there is nothing more to be revealed.
“Archbishop Sambi said, ‘Excuse me.’ He got up, went out of the
room, and came back with a book. ‘Here,’ he said. ‘Do you know this book?
You should read it.’ It was Christopher Ferrara’s The Secret Still Hidden.
‘Wait,’ I said. ‘You are the Pope’s representative in the US, and you are
urging me to read a book that questions what the Secretary of State wrote?’
“Sambi replied: ‘All I am saying as that there are interesting things
worth reading in this book. And in the end, we are all after the truth, aren’t
we? The truth is the important thing…’”

For further information:
A Chronology of the Fatima Cover-up
Heaven’s Key to Peace (video)
The Secret Still Silenced (video)
The Secret Still Hidden (on-line)
Fatima Books